Welcome to my special feature page. I have been very fortunate to have been asked to create a miniature for Orcams Special Alien Magazine, This page shows the process of how I created the image using practical effects.


Welcome to my special feature page. I have been very fortunate to have been asked to create a miniature for Orcams Special Alien Magazine, This page shows the process of how I created the image using practical effects.

I'm extremely excited to announce that I've been given the wonderful opportunity to create a miniature photo for the official cover on Oracom's Alien magazine "The Universe of". Recreating the iconic Alien poster design.
I had to do it practically of course and on a low budget! and I managed to do it in just two shots (the crack and glow in the egg was done as a separate shot).
I made the image using a real chicken egg which I glued some spots onto then painted grey cracked a hole in it to suspend it, I then had to find something for the mesh, I tried making some mesh but it didn't work so I found some carpet grip under the front door mat and spray painted it.
Then the crack was done cutting a shape out of a piece of card and shining a green light through it with a bit of smoke & viola! You have yourself a practically made Alien Poster.
See below for full behind the scenes...

I started out with a plain old chicken egg which I added some spots onto and then painted and textured:
I tried to make the grid for the base out of clay but it wasn't working so I searched the house and found some carpet grip material under a matt and it was the perfect scale so I spray painted it an added it to the shot, The egg was suspended and the shot was set up and then lit:

Here's an example raw shot that I took using smoke to create the green mist. Once this shot was done I created a second shot of the crack in the egg by cutting a shape out of a piece of card:
Here is a raw shot example of the egg crack with the glow. I placed a green light behind the card and added some smoke to create the shot, I then combined the two images together to create the final shot removing the wire from the egg. All done practically, I'm really proud of the way it came out I hope you enjoyed this feature:


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